Our staff is well trained with well understanding skills to handle every kind of emergency situations.
We have 24 hour emergency services on all days. Our doctor resides near to the hospital which give us a boost to handle and serve emergency situations as fast as possible.
We provide best-in-class treatments to our patients. We are dedicated to provide an integrated health support to womanhood.
We provide complete pregnancy care from Antenatal period to Postnatal period.
Normal Vaginal Delivery, Vacuum Delivery and C-Section Delivery
Abdominal Hysterectomy (One-stitch Surgery), Total Laparoscopic Hysterectomy (TLH) and Vaginal Hysterectomy (Stitch-less Surgery).
We have facility of termination of pregnancy by Medical or Surgical methods.
Ovulation Study, Laparoscopy Infertility, Hysteroscopy, Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) and In vitro fertilization (IVF) treatments.
The Pap Test is a method of cervical screening used to detect potentially pre-cancerous and cancerous processes in the cervix.
Adolescent Counseling, Pre-marital Counseling and Pre-conception Counseling
Copper-T, Injectable Contraceptive, Abdominal Tubectomy, Laproscopic Tubectomy and all other gynecology surgeries of uterus, tubes and ovaries.
We have facility for Cord-Blood Stem Cell collection and preservation on demand.